Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Mapping the Lazarus Family in London

Here is a Map showing all the significant addresses around London, collected for the Lazari, including:

Places of Work
Synagogues (Places of Marriage)

Monday, September 11, 2006

Flora Blumer Lazarus (née Cohen)

We know little about Flora Blumer Lazarus (née Cohen).

She was born in Aldgate, London, around 1833, and was 2-3 years older than Morris.

At the time of her marriage to Morris on December 6th, 1854, she was living at 33 New Street, Gravel Lane.

(Above: Photo with the Geisler children; approx 1906, in Brighton)

It seems she was the daughter of Michael Cohen (deceased before 1851) and Phoebe Cohen (Maiden name unknown). She had an older brother Moses, and a younger sister Sarah.

After her marriage, she and Morris moved into 3 Princes Court, where her mother and stepfather. Isaac Allen lived. Their first child Mary was born there in 1855.

By 1859, they were living at 10 Vinegar Yard, Brydges St, Long Acre, where Catherine was born.

From 1860- 1866, they lived at 126 Drury Lane, moving briefly to 2 Conduit Court, Long Acre, and then on to 46 Drury Lane in 1871. In 1873, they moved temporarily to 27 York Street, Southwark, and in 1878, the family resettled above their new butcher's shop at 26 Draper Street, Newington Butts.

(Photo above: probably taken in the mid 1880's)

Phoebe (named for Flora's mother) married John Stutchfield in 1888, and it appears she and Morris didn't attend the wedding (probably as R.E. Stutchfield was a Gentile, though he converted at some stage to Judaism, and was buried in a jewish cemetery.)

When the younger son John married in 1898, neither Flora nor Morris were in attendance, as far as we can see from the wedding photos. At the time of Morris' death in 1901 they were still living at Draper Street, but were on a trip to South Africa.

Flora was still alive in the 1920's and spent much time with her daughters and grandchildren in South Africa and Britain. We are unsure of the date or place of her passing.

Sources & Resources

The Mormons (Church of Latter Day Saints)
The Cemetery Project
Ellis Island
Cyndi's List
Public Records Office - Family History Center; Census Records; Births, Deaths & Marriage Records
Local Studies Libraries in London (incl. Southwark)
London Metropolitan Archives
Family History Centers in: Boston, New York, London, Vienna
British Library
Boston Public Library
New York Public Library
Jewish Genealogical Society of Greater Boston

Books & References: (Among many...)
  • Founders & Fathers, by
  • The Streets of London - The Booth Notebooks
Reunion (Leisterpro) for Macintosh
SOHO Notes (Chronos)


Coming Soon:

Links to Family Members and to Interesting Websites

The Children of Morris & Flora: Chart

Click on the image to enlarge...

Credits, Acknowledgements & Thanks

Thank you to all the members of the Family who have contributed to this Project.

Extra special thanks to: Julian Phillips, Ginny Counard, Gavin Posner, Wendy Frankel, Julian & Doris Lurie, Ethne Van der Veen,

And to (in no particular order):
Eric & Dora Stutchfield, Tim Shapiro, Linda Flaxman, Sigmund & Janice Shapiro, Keith Posner, Penny Adelstein-Moore, Bunny Adelstein, Bev Phillips, John & Martin Stutchfield, June Borman-Posner, Barbara Lancaster, Janet Nicoll, Martin Jacobson, Gill Cohn, Audrey Holman, Wally Lurie, Stephanie Berrington, Beverley Lewin, Jill & Steven Harris, Stephen Klotz, Nick & Kevin Jacobson, and many more...

What or who are the "Lazari"?

The "Lazari" are my name for the Family: ancestors & descendants of Morris Lazarus (1836?-1901) and Flora Blumer [née Cohen] (1833?-1923?)

They had 13 children (12 of whom survived to adulthood).

The 10 daughters married, and started new Families, all today who could be called 'Lazari'. These names are: Posner, Stutchfield, Geisler, Shapiro, Jacobson (twice), Starfield and Schlosberg.

The 2 sons married Sampsons & Banbury/Gingell, and one son's descendants changed their name to Lancaster & Linton.

As a consequence, today there are no known descendants of Morris & Flora, who hold the surname of LAZARUS. (However, there were other siblings of Morris Lazarus, who we have not yet traced...)